June - The daily archives

Message from the desk of General John Connor

RE: A Little something Special

Alright as you've probably guessed there was alot more to this recon mission the meets the eye. Since the start we have been working our way to the most unlikely of places....Austin International.

Why you're wondering? The answer to that is even more more spying and Recon, we found out that the machines have been building another Arial H/K Prototype.

A H/K that has no Radar Print, and enough room to transport fifty endos straight to the front lines. It is also based on "Active Surface Technology" which matches the external surroundings day and night. That would be bad, and that's why we're going to steal it.

Anyway, wish us luck we're going to need it...

General Connor out.


June 30, 2015


Message from the desk of General John Connor

RE: San Antonio

The other night we stopped in the ruins of San Antonio, because we spotted something that none of us on the Recon team could quite believe. An amusement park!

Everything had been so tense recently, I felt that the people needed a break from things. I talked with the engineering folk of the team and they set off with one thing in mind. Re-opening the park.

Now before you think what the hell are you doing, we had set up a rotating watch schedule, and did machine scans every 5 minutes.

The only thing that kept things from getting too crazy and fun was the fact that we had to walk over the bleached bones of those waiting in line in 1997 just to get on the "thrill rides".

Well that's about it for tonight, they'll be one more update and then I'll be back.

General Connor Out.

Message ends.

June 29, 2015


A Message from the desk of General John Connor

RE: Spotty Communication

We are sorry for the lack of communication. The General called in for about 5 minutes before his signal was cut off. He wanted to let you all know that he is okay, but he has been battling Terminator units for the last three days. He has reached his destination of what was known as Austin Texas. He said that he has captured a Flying H/K and will attempt the flight home. Through many terminator Check points. He also asked for your prayers.
End Message

Bullseye(gen. Connor(by Proxy))

June 27, 2015

A Message from the desk of General John Connor

RE: Bugging Out!

Sorry for the scare but we had to bug out of San Fran overnight,
we've been dodging Terminator Tracker Teams and have finally found a
safe haven within the Resistance blocks of downtown Las Vegas!

We were on the move all night, and got in Sat Morning at approx.
06:45 A.M. local time. After doing recon here we will be moving on to
Arizona and finally Texas where I'll be flying a little something
special back home for you guys.

Remember be good Sarah hates it when perfectly capable soldiers
slack off.

I'm okay and so is the rest of the Recon team. Until later.

General John Connor

June 24, 2015


A Message from the desk of General John Connor

RE: Ruins of San Francisco

Begin Message

The General is located at a safe house, which was formally known as Alcatraz. Which was a tourist attraction and before that a Prison from

which no one escaped. From the watch tower the general is looking at the golden gate bridge, about midway down the bridge, it is broken in half

and hanging in the water. It is groaning as a terminator that is being destroyed. Most buildings are in ruins and the few that are standing are

about to fall down. There is a lot of redeye around here and it is not us taking surveillance pictures. The reason that I am not in san Francisco

but at Alcatraz is that it was risky enough to be dropped off at Alcatraz much less san Francisco. The reason we decided for Alcatraz was that

frisco and Oakland are solidly controlled by the terminators. We have disturbing news it seems that the terminators are developing a aquatic

unit. Fortunately the units have exploded seconds after going in to the water. I will be staying in frisco several more days trying to contact different

resistance groups and unify them to take back this city. I (the general) will stay in contact.

General Connor out(by proxy)(written by Bullseye)

End Message

June 21, 2015

A Message from General John Connor

RE: New Weapon Ready for Testing


Message Begins:

Now this weapon is pretty far from the front lines but I think if it works we could have an advantage within about 5 years.

The weapon is designed to target the Terminator CPU and then send a Sub-Sonic electrical pulse, which then liquefies the CPU, which ceases to function.

We started with the idea of a weapon would teleport the CPU literally out of the Units head. But that's something we're still working on. This weapon is much closer to the front lines and I hope it will give us the needed in the future.

And one more thing...don't forget I'll be gone these next few days on Recon so please follow your normal routines. And don't annoy my mother.

I'll see you guys in a few.

General Connor out.

Message Ends

June 20 2015



A Message from the desk of General John Connor

RE: Fear is Good


Message Begins:

Some people may tell you that Fear is a problem. Others may tell you that Fear is a crutch. I am here to tell you that fear is your Ally.

There is nothing wrong with Fear, you need to have Fear in order to have solidarity within a tightly knit group like the Resistance.

Fear is your ally.

Fear is your friend.

Fear is your companion.

Fear, is absolutley needed, within your heart, within your mind.

Fear is the pulse of the Resistance.

Fear is good.

Message Ends

General Connor

June 19, 2015


A Message from the Desk of General John Connor


RE: Massive Recon Push

Message Begins:

Just a little something for you Resistance Soldiers to take note of, so please pay special attention to this notice.

As of the 21st I will be going on a special joint recon mission, so while I'm gone Sarah will be in charge. I'll be checking in daily with breifings from the field, which will be relayed from Bullseye to Sarah to you.

Now I shouldn't have to tell you this but I'm just going to make sure that you don't start slacking off while my mother is in charge. As you should know she is even tougher on lazy folks then I am, and I'm plenty tough.

You need to keep up with your scheduling, continue to do your work just like any other day. You do not want me to cut my trip short and whip you back into shape.

So be good and there could be a very nice surprise when I return.

Message Ends

General Connor

June 18 2015

A Message from the Desk of General John Connor

RE: Sickness in the camps

Message Begins

Soldiers I am going to tell you about some of the problems we have been having lately. I am going to tell you about the number one problem I have noticed. I have noticed a lack of cleanliness around the camp. And a lack of cleanliness is going to cause sickness.

Which brings me to the reason why I have not been able to write anything I pushed myself to the limits one time to many and got to close to some nuclear particles

To maintain your health please drink lots of radiation free water eat lots of good food(stay away from fattening foods ie. rats) and make sure to get all of your shots 

End Message

General Connor

June 17 2015


A Message from the Desk of General John Connor


RE: Teamwork


Message Begins:


Resistance soldiers I shouldn't have to tell you how important teamwork is. It has been ingrained through hours of training, and nights of hard fought battle.

However teamwork is something that can not be talked about too much. Teamwork is the key to eventual victory, the key to Skynets' defeat.

There was a saying I grew up with, it goes like this: "A teams best offense is a good defence."

Not only must we show excellent polished teamwork on the battlefront, we must show good teamwork defending our individual H.Q.'s where ever we are located.

Offence wins the battle...defence wins the war.


End Message

General Connor

June 14 2015


A Message from the desk of General John Connor


RE: New Unit Sighted




A heads-up to all Resistance Fighters there have been multiple sightings of a new battle chassis roaming the battlefield.

We have no idea of its official desgination but it will be known as the T-90. The T-90 has greater movement capability then the earlier bipedal T-Units. It is also capable of greater speeds, it has advanced heat detection capabilities.

Its metal skeleton is dark grey in color to use camo at night, it can still be spotted quite easily using heat detection goggles.

If at all possible when you engage a T-90 Unit try to preserve the CPU. We need all the inside information we can get from hacking and reverse engineering.

It is more important to survive than take a CPU so use proper judgment in the battlefield.

Thanks for your time


End Message

General John Connor


June 2015

A Message from the Desk of General Connor

RE: Transcript of Radio Recruitment Ad.

Message Follows:

Voice: Are you an insomniac? Do you consider yourself a nocturnal creature? Do you find sleep to be a hindrance to the continuation of life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then have I got the job for you! Get no pay whatsoever! Eat a variety of rats from regular to x-tra crispy! Get shot at by killer cybernetic robots! Live in sewers and sleep in...well you get the picture.

No in all seriousness we need a few good men and women to fight for the Resistance! If you think you have what it takes, or even if you're not sure give us your location and we'll check you out.

Terminators, Infiltrators need not apply if you are found by are Canine TDU's (Terminator Detection Units) you well be Terminated immediately.

Have a nice night!

End Message

General John Connor

June 12, 2015

A Message from the Desk of General Connor

To: All Resistance Fighters

RE: Live Fire Exercise and Competition

Message Begins:

Concerning tomorrow's live fire exercise; you will be needing to bring all the different items on the following list.

  • One Plasma Rifle with scope Note: Make sure that the scope is off by 4 1/2 feet as you will be shooting at each other!
  • You will also need a conventional Sniper Rifle with scope Note: Make sure that this scope is also off by 4 1/2 feet!
  • You will need several Plasma batteries and 20 extra clips of conventional ammunition.
  • You will need your armor in case of an accident Note: I am expecting there to be no accidents.
  • We do Expect you to be very careful as this will be a live fire exercise. Uncle Bob will be out in the field and is expecting to be shot at for target practice. He said he did not mind if you shot him in the head, but he would like me to remind you to please be careful with his head. He doesn't want to have to put it back on more than once or twice.

    We are expecting nothing less than the best from you soldiers so have a good night sleep, and make sure to use the rats as target practice. As well do not go to sleep on a full stomach.(NO RATS FOR SUPPER)

    Be Sure to Show UP By 0800 hours at the latest

    General Connor

    June 10 2015

    Message Ends


    A Message from the Desk of General Connor

    RE: South-Siders History

    Message Begins:

    An explanation is due to those who have just signed up about our rather tumultuous relationship with the South-Siders. I must admit that I was far from honest with my conclusion to the recent South-Side message. I had my reasons at the time, but those reasons were shallow and unwarranted.

    We first heard of the South-Siders 10 years ago when the war was young, and we were all cocky and stupid. We thought we could start and finish things quickly, that the war would come to an end with utmost speed.

    Other small survivalist groups we had and in some cases still do have affiliations with reported having troubles with the South-Siders. When we contacted the South-Siders they were in the capable hands of Will Stote, a forty year old, former self employed business man from the Inland Empire. That is...was in Southern California.

    Forming an alliance we worked with and alongside in attacks, training and survivalist skills, I ...I got to know Will personally. But what neither He nor I knew was that a small group was building within his own and OURS, that for some still unknown reason wanted the Machines to win.

    We managed to find most of the weeds over here in the ensuing years however 4 years ago there was a Coup within the South-Siders organization. It was silent, quick and deadly, and Will found himself a masthead with no power and we had ourselves a problem.

    For these past four years I regret to inform you we have been spied on, lied to, and generally laid out in the open by the South-Siders. Will had no power, we had to move 3 times until we found relative safety in our present location.

    But Will never gave up and neither did I, even though those in charge had been giving our position in turn given to them by turncoats within the Resistance. Which they then broadcasted easily for Skynet to track...and steal, Will never gave up. Behind their backs he gathered all who would listen to him, and felt with their combined force he could retake leadership of the South-Siders. He just needed a few days.

    Please excuse me if I get emotional, but what I am about to relay to you must me read and understood. He contacted me those two nights ago to tell me he could do it. Oh how I wanted to believe, I pleaded with myself to give him that chance. But I knew that I couldn't.

    The Scouts had been sighting more Skynet controlled Units encroaching nearer and nearer to our territory. i had no choice, I had to do it.

    You must understand what I did had to be done. I leaked our information on their location into the open, Skynet took the bait and attacked-their allies instead of their enimies. I basically sentenced all the South-Siders to death. I had no choice.

    I had no choice.

    I'm sorry Will.

    I couldn't wait.

    I apologize I can't continue---there will be more to follow.

    General Connor

    June 09 2015

    Message Ends


    A Message from the Desk of General Connor


    I have reports from various sources that certain members of the Resistance Forces are violating rules concerning off-time.

    A reminder of what you can and cannot do is obviously needed, so here we go:


    A: Relax with fellow soldiers inside their/your personal quarters.

    B: Catch up on sleep. (I know how tiring patrols can be).

    C: Play cards, chase rats, have safe training and target practice.

    Do Not:

    A: Go outside when you are not on duty(we need you rested not suffering insomnia).

    B: Take extra shifts without informing anyone involved with the Scheduling Department.

    C: Make unauthorized communications EVER.

    None of these rules will be changed in the near future. I expect them to be followed to the T, no exceptions.

    General Connor

    June 08, 2015

    End Message


    Message from the desk of General Connor

    Title: Southside Attack

    Main Message Body:

    Good day soldiers I have some unfortunate news to relay to you tonight. Today a squadron of Arial H/K wiped our new allies the South-Siders off the map. Our Scramble Teams were unable to make it in time to help. I was on the radio with "Will" when it happened, here is the short transcript:

    "Will":They are coming in Connor I can hear them now-

    Connor:Bullseye set the Scramble Teams in motion-

    "will":Don't bother General, they'll never make it in time. You gave my people a chance at redemption and we thank you for that.

    Connor:I'm not dwelling on the past and my soldiers wouldn't have it any other way. If there's even the slightest chance of finding any survivours their deployment won't have been in vain-

    "will":General *Message Garbled* through our outer defences! **Heavy Blast--Masonry Falling** It's too late go *Discontinued*

    When the Scramble Teams reached the Sout-Side Hideout, there were no survivors. Luckily all of the computer equipment was buried and destroyed under the rubble.

    Now Soldiers. I know that we have had our troubles with the South-Siders before. But that was and is in the past, they have fought by our sides for 4 years. Any loss like this is tragic, please take a moment in silence to honour those who have been lost.

    General John Connor

    June 07, 2015

    End Message


    A Message from the Desk of General Connor

    To: All New and Old Resistance Fighters


    Nice to have you and welcome to Resistance H.Q. We are always in the need of good fighters, male or female, young or old you will be put into use. However take it from me the battle will be long and hard fought. So your being here is not forced upon you.

    Some of you will die, most of you will lie injured on the battlefield...But there is one thing that all of the Resistance Soldiers I command can count on. No matter what happens you will never be forgotten. On the battlefield in the darkest night there will be people fighting right alongside you. People from around the world, our world.

    Be assured with your help we will not give up the fight. And we must always remember the Motto of the Resistance.

    We must Battle on. For the future is not set, there is NO FATE but that which WE make for OURSELVES!

    Once again welcome aboard and thank you for joining the battle to save humanity.

    Look for more messages in the next few days.

    General John Connor

    June 06, 2015

    End Message.